Therapeutic Somatic Coaching

Supporting Sensitive Souls to Effectively Heal From Trauma and Anxiety

If you feel overwhelmed by life's challenges or find that trauma, stress and exhaustion are shaping your days, Somatic Coaching With Tana J Cohen offers you a nurturing space to calm the storms, dissolve emotional pain, and enjoy the treasures of your inherent confidence, clarity and inner-calm.

If you feel overwhelmed by life's challenges or find that trauma, grief and exhaustion are shaping your days, Somatic Coaching offers you a nurturing space to calm the storms, dissolve emotional pain, and enjoy the treasures of your inherent confidence, clarity and inner-calm.

A Nest Of Rest

It can be tricky to take the time out to rest, process, and realign, and trickier still to understand what you are truly wanting and needing when you may not have learnt how to understand your body's Somatic language.

Together we create a nest of rest where gentility, spaciousness, and compassion pave the way for answers to emerge through you and from you. You fine-tune your ability to listen to your body, understand its messages, and honour your needs.

Process & Release

Much like a dam obstructing a river's flow, your body holds blockages from difficult experiences that thwart your ability to move forward without stress, overwhelm, and exhaustion taking centre stage.

Establishing security within allows for old patterns, beliefs, and emotions to loosen their grip, enabling you to live life without carrying the burdens of the past into your future.

Clarity & Courage

Wanting to accomplish something and having procrastination, fatigue, and indecision get in your way can feel debilitating. It's as if you and your body have different goals.

As your internal compass calibrates, ideas, solutions, and clear pathways naturally emerge. You regain your confidence, courage, and conviction by listening to your authentic self, rather than fighting against it.

Nurturing Needs

Your sense of strength, security, and stability lie on a sturdy foundation. This is formed not merely from knowing your needs, but having the courage and self-worth to meet them.

Creating boundaries, communicating clearly, and expressing your creativity are various forms of what you may require to thrive. Together we honour and celebrate your inherent resilience and uniqueness, and nurturing your needs becomes easier and fulfilling.

A Nest Of Rest

It can be tricky to take the time out to rest, process, and realign, and trickier still to understand what you are truly wanting and needing when you may not have learnt how to understand your body's Somatic language.

Together we create a nest of rest where gentility, spaciousness, and compassion pave the way for answers to emerge through you and from you. You fine-tune your ability to listen to your body, understand its messages, and honour your needs.

Process & Release

Much like a dam obstructing a river's flow, your body holds blockages from difficult experiences that thwart your ability to move forward without stress, overwhelm, and exhaustion taking centre stage.

Establishing safety and security within allows for old patterns, beliefs, and emotions to loosen their grip, enabling you to live life without carrying the burdens of the past into your future.

Clarity & Courage

Wanting to accomplish something and having procrastination, fatigue, and indecision get in your way can feel debilitating. It's as if you and your body have different goals.

As your internal compass calibrates, ideas, solutions, and clear pathways naturally emerge. You regain your confidence, courage, and conviction by listening to your authentic self, rather than fighting against it.

Nurturing Needs

Your sense of strength, security, and stability lie on a sturdy foundation. This is formed not merely from knowing your needs, but having the courage and self-worth to meet them.

Creating boundaries, communicating clearly, and expressing your creativity are various forms of what you may require to thrive. Together we honour and celebrate your inherent resilience and uniqueness, and nurturing your needs becomes easier and fulfilling.

Based In The Body & Rooted In Science,

You Can Open The Door To True Healing & Change

The integration of Parts Work, Somatic Experiencing, and nervous system restoration forms a forward-facing, holistic approach to healing.

This combination addresses the entirety of your being, recognising that trauma and stress not only affect the mind but are also deeply embedded in the nervous system and bodily processes.

Combined with curiosity, creativity, and compassion, these methodologies form a comprehensive and practical pathway for real and long-lasting change to occur.

By focusing on your body’s inherent wisdom and capacity for change, you are equipped with tools to manage your well-being proactively.

Based In The Body & Rooted In Science,

You Can Open The Door To True Healing & Change

The integration of Parts Work, Somatic Experiencing, and nervous system restoration forms a forward-facing, holistic approach to healing.

This combination addresses the entirety of your being, recognising that trauma and stress not only affect the mind but are also deeply embedded in the nervous system and bodily processes.

Combined with curiosity, creativity, and compassion, these methodologies form a comprehensive and practical pathway for real and long-lasting change to occur.

By focusing on your body’s inherent wisdom and capacity for change, you are equipped with tools to manage your well-being proactively.

ICF Accredited Diploma In Body-Oriented (Somatic) Coaching, CertHE Creative Art Therapy Studies, CertHE Early Childhood Development, Level 2 Certificate Counselling Skills, Diploma of Remedial Massage Therapy

Hello, I'm Tana

It's lovely to have you here, mainly because I know how confusing it can be finding the right person and support in an overwhelming sea of options.

Despite trying every therapy under the sun to overcome severe anxiety and panic attacks from a childhood of bereavement, displacement, and bullying, Somatic Healing through Trauma-Informed Somatic Coaching was the missing piece.

With an educational background in Early Childhood Development, Creative Art Therapy Studies, Massage Therapy, And Trauma-Informed Somatic Coaching I have worked in the field of holistic health since 2012.

Every day I bear witness to the gentle and profound shifts that occur within my clients through the beauty of this work.

You already have the key to your desired future. I'm here to effectively enable you to open the door and enjoy the journey forward.

Let Your Healing Journey Be Lovely

While some healing modalities having you dive into pain and re-hash the past, and others push you towards the latest mindset hacks with an almost blinding positivity, Trauma-Informed Somatic Coaching is where you're effectively supported to get to where you want to be.

If you are wanting more from life and are wanting to learn more, please click the button below to book a free Curiosity Call with me and let's see if this style of support is the right fit for where you are.

You're guaranteed to leave with greater insight and awareness of how to move forward, regardless of the outcome.

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